Is Online MBA Hard? How to Do the Hours

Studying for an MBA degree is challenging, even online. While online learners avoid attending classes on campus, the intellectual effort remains the same. You’ll still need to complete assignments, review lectures, and meet deadlines.

Let’s explore how hard an MBA is, especially for working professionals who study online, and how you can make it more manageable.

Is an Online MBA Hard?

Man using desk computer and tablet

An online MBA need not be difficult if you choose the right program and stay organised. Instructors are not out to fail students, especially since most of the class has professional experience and undergraduate degrees. Do the basics, and you’ll pass without much stress.

However, it does require significant time and effort. The difficulty depends on your prior business experience, the program style, and your study habits. Online MBA programs typically mirror their on-campus counterparts and are taught by the same faculty. The material is no easier, but the flexible schedule can be ideal for students juggling work or family.

To succeed, you’ll need discipline and organisation, along with the ability to work independently. Staying connected with classmates and instructors through online channels is key to staying motivated.

How Many Hours for an Online MBA?

Expect to dedicate about 10-15 hours per week for a part-time online MBA and 20-30 hours for a full-time program. The workload depends on the number of units you’re taking and the pace of the course.

Most part-time programs allow you to complete one unit at a time over 6-8 weeks, giving you some flexibility. It’s essential to plan your study schedule carefully. Blocking out time in advance and adjusting during peak periods, like exams or major projects, will help you stay on track.

Regular, focused study sessions are key to managing your workload effectively, whether part-time or full-time.

Related: How Long Does a Part-Time MBA Take?

Make Your MBA Easier – Negotiate with Your Workplace

It’s smart to communicate with your employer about your MBA. Informing your managers and HR can lead to flexible work hours or even study time built into your schedule. You may also be able to use office resources for study, which can be a quieter, distraction-free environment outside work hours.

Aligning your assignments with real-world business problems from your job can make the work more relevant and easier to manage.

Communicate to Stay Motivated

Staying in regular contact with instructors and classmates will boost your engagement and motivation. Unlike in-person settings, you’ll need to make an extra effort to connect. Online communication, though, offers an advantage: discussions are often documented, providing a useful resource for studying.

Practical Tips for Succeeding in an Online MBA

  • Create a study plan: Block out study hours every week.
  • Communicate your plan: Let family and friends know your study times.
  • Plan for contingencies: Reserve time for delays or tougher assignments.
  • Celebrate milestones: Reward yourself after completing units to stay motivated.
  • Use university resources: Seek advice from staff on time management and study methods.

Why an Online MBA is Worth It

Woman smiling at piggybank sitting on computer screen

Don’t let the fear of passing hold you back from pursuing an online MBA. Most students find the motivation once they’ve invested in the program financially and emotionally. Building a network with classmates and forming study groups can also provide support.

According to the Babson Survey Group, the average age of students enrolled in online MBA programs is 35, and the majority of students are working full-time while completing their degree.

A great advantage of online MBA programs is that you can balance study with part-time or full-time work. Because you can study anywhere and at any time, study can be fitted into the gaps within your weekly schedule.

About Online MBA Programs, Dylan Rogers

Online MBAs are often a cost-effective alternative to on-campus programs, with the added benefit of flexibility. According to a report by Affordable Colleges, the average tuition for an online MBA program was 26% cheaper than on-campus programs. The ability to study from anywhere expands your options for choosing a program.

An online MBA requires commitment, but with the right planning and support, it’s achievable. The flexibility, cost-effectiveness, and opportunity for career growth make it worthwhile.

Benefits of Doing an MBA Online

If and when you find yourself struggling to grind out a study session, take a moment to think about how doing an MBA online is making your life easier. Here are some of the advantages:

  1. You cut out the hours you would otherwise have to spend traveling to and from campus, giving you more effective time to devote to your studies.
  2. You can choose your university or business school regardless of geographical location.
  3. You can study at home or at work.
  4. Your lectures and coursework are already documented by the online environment, as is communication with staff and students. You can use everything in the program as a resource both during the degree and even after.
  5. You can choose your study times. Lectures and coursework can be completed at any time during the day or evening, or at weekends, giving you the flexibility to plan your study around your work and family.

Related: Career Benefits of an Online MBA Degree

Message of Hope for Online MBA Students

Studying online can be harder in some ways, but if you establish a structure, it has definite advantages.

You’ll save time by cutting out travel, can study from any location, and have flexible hours. Coursework, lectures, and communication are all documented, creating valuable resources for study and even future reference.

One thought on “Is Online MBA Hard? How to Do the Hours

  1. Online education is the way to go. If you just remember that the majority of graduate students complete their programs successfully, you should find it quite easy. That’s as long as you’re as least on par with classmates in terms of qualifications and experience.

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